(And I can't get 'em up...)
Sir Isaac Newton learned about gravity in an easy, gentle lesson. An apple bonked him on his head, Maybe it took sixty seconds after said bonk (if that long) to develop his theory about gravity, and our ancestors had a new and enlightened world. However, if Newton had had titties, his experience would have had him whining, rather than celebrating his own cleverness.
Please note: the only titties being spoken of here are my own. Every woman's experience is different.
I sort of miss the "mosquito bites" days. It was a time when my bra actually fit. When I hit an "A" cup size, the die was cast, and things were never the same.
Getting bigger was fun, at first. I could still buy my bras at K-Mart. There's a lot to be said for such a simple convenience. I would run in, grab two eighteen hour bras, and be off to the next thing. Raising hell and annoying people--that kind of thing.
Bras themselves are problematic. To pad or not to pad? Stays? Would you like underwire with that?
The nicest thing I can say for brassieres is that they aren't tested on harmless, blameless lab animals.
Today, I've begun to see a throwback to the corset, in "long line" bras. I mean, I can see leather bustiers, if you and your honey are into that thing. But, to wear something similar every day?
The world has gone mad. I have to order my bras online. There are only about three companies out there that make an "H" cup size. In the entire world! The bandeau part is always too small. My tits are falling, and I can't get them up!
Please note: the only titties being spoken of here are my own. Every woman's experience is different.
I sort of miss the "mosquito bites" days. It was a time when my bra actually fit. When I hit an "A" cup size, the die was cast, and things were never the same.
Getting bigger was fun, at first. I could still buy my bras at K-Mart. There's a lot to be said for such a simple convenience. I would run in, grab two eighteen hour bras, and be off to the next thing. Raising hell and annoying people--that kind of thing.
Bras themselves are problematic. To pad or not to pad? Stays? Would you like underwire with that?
The nicest thing I can say for brassieres is that they aren't tested on harmless, blameless lab animals.
Today, I've begun to see a throwback to the corset, in "long line" bras. I mean, I can see leather bustiers, if you and your honey are into that thing. But, to wear something similar every day?
The world has gone mad. I have to order my bras online. There are only about three companies out there that make an "H" cup size. In the entire world! The bandeau part is always too small. My tits are falling, and I can't get them up!
I can relate to this post. I have never had a proper fitting. I just buy them online and hope for the best. :)