I've just spent about a half hour window shopping online for a new fitness wristband. I was thinking to replace my simple Fitbit (the one that I bought last week) with something a little more uptown. My only gripe with the one I have is that it lacks a watch or any visuals, at all. It has four flashing lights. My cat got bored with them ten minutes sooner than I did. He's a very smart cat.
You'd think I would know better than to start spending next week's money, this week. Well, I do. Hence, the window shopping. Sometimes it's an exercise that keeps me from buying things.
The Fitbit is an excellent example. There are so many fitness trackers out there, and full half of them must be available on Amazon. I look for the description, first--doesn't everyone? Then I look at the number of stars the product rated. Then, I look at the number of people who rated the product. After that, I read most of the negative reviews, and save money by not buying. It's a peculiar system, but it's mine.
These days there are devices that claim to have all the same bells and whistles as Fitbit. I have to admit it, I am a sucker for bells and whistles. Do I need them? No. I'm not likely to be taking calls when I'm walking on a treadmill--It's all I can do to breathe, as it is. Don't even get me started about walking and texting.
I don't know how all the youngsters manage that. Maybe that's why cursive writing has to fall by the wayside; it would take up too much of the brain space needed for today's and tomorrow's tech. I wonder if the same is true about young men who are unable to pull up their pants. (But that's a really disgusting trend that merits its own page.)
Out of all the fitness gadgets that I do waste my money on, I have never gotten a fitbit. I think I want one, but I need one that I can wear to work that isn't too flashy. But then, if I got one, I would be enamored by it for a whole week and then, I fear, it would just end up in a drawer for eternity.